

001.Coca-cola Light berkolaborasi dengan Roberto Cavalli di tahun 2008 menciptakan botol menarik ini.

002.Desain packing kreatif dari coca-cola untuk liburan Natal 2008,hadir dengan bentuk bola berbeda dengan botol coca-cola biasa.

003.Coca-Cola Russia mengelarkan coca-cola,fanta, sprite dalam ukuran kecil kaleng 8 ons.

004.Botol Coca-cola yang didesain oleh Nathalie Rykiel, anak dari perancang busana terkenal Sonia Rykiel, di Perancis thn 2008.

005.Coca-Cola merayakan ulang tahunnya yang ke 100 dengan meluncurkan botol centenary ini. Botol ini dibuat khusus untuk Selfridges, departement store populer di London,Botol Coca-Cola centenary dibuat dari kaca dengan warna kuning terang,yang merupakan warna khas Selfridge. Tulisan Coca-Cola nya berwarna merah dengan tutup berwarna merah pula.

006.Botol Coca-Cola pertama circa 1899 - dikenal sebagai Hutchinson style

007.Coca-Cola mendesain botol yang dapat membuat minuman didalamnya tetap dingin selama beberapa menit! Botol tersebut juga membutuhkan teknologi vending machine yang berbeda untuk dapat mnegatur temperaturnya.

008.Diperkenalkan tahun 2005, Coca-cola meluncurkan rangkaian 5 botol alumunium berkontur yang disebut “Magnificent 5 atau M5. lima studio berbeda dari 5 benua masing2x ditugaskan untuk mendisain masing2x botol. menurut coca-cola, visual rebranding ini menyasar pada konsumen yang dapat melihat kekreatifan,yang hanya ditemukan di club dan lounge paling exclusive di dunia.

009.Ini adalah 8 desain berbeda unuk botol coca-cola edisi terbatas yang diperuntukan bagi summer campaign 2009.

010.Kaleng coca-cola edisi Olimpiade barcelona 1992 dengan desain cabang renang,balap sepeda,basket,senam,volley,bulutangkis tenis dan tenis meja

011.Botol yang terkenal karna konturnya dan diciptakan pada tahun 1915, oleh desainer gelas Earl R. Dean dari perusahaan oot Glass Company.Coca-cola memutuskan untuk mengadakan kompetisi siapa yang dapat menciptakan desain botol terbaik. Mereka menginginkan desain yang mudah dikenali, bahkan dlm keadaan gelap dan dalam keadaan rusak sekalipun.

012.Kampanye ini memberikan coca2x rebranding sementara. bermain dengan kode terkenal james bond (007), coca-cola zero sementara waktu dikenal sebagai zero-zero 7.para kolektor botol coca-cola dan para penggemar james bond bergegas untuk mendapatkan edisi terbatas 007 ini dalam perayaan “Quantum of Solace.”

013.Ini adalah botol coca-cola light edisi terbatas Manolo Blahnick

014.Desain Botol ini adalah hasil pemikiran dari desainer grafis dan kurator Jiang Hua. Pola Hoisontal berwarna merah sebenernya melambangkan karakter cina untuk kata "coca-cola".lagu saountraknya "Be it All", ditulis oleh penyanyi dan pencipta lagu Jes, yang terinspirasi dari kerumitan bentuk desain botol ini.

015.Coca-Cola meluncurkan lima edisi terbatas kaleng Coke tertema pantai untuk musim pasnas 2009 : sunglasses,surfboard, grill, American flag dan beach ball.
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Disco Ball

1. Create the disco ball texture

First, we need to turn on the grid and enable snapping. Go View>Show Grid and View>Snap to Grid. With the Rectangle Tool draw a grey square with a 1pixel white stroke. You realise it will snap perfectly to the grid while drawing. Using the Selection Tool, select the grey square and hold Alt/Option as you drag to the side. This will duplicate a new square.

Press Ctrl/Command+D to duplicate a row of 20 squares. Select the whole row of squares. Hold Alt/Option and drag below to duplicate a new row of squares. Repeat this by pressing Ctrl/Command+D. Do this until you get a 20 by 20 rows of squares.

With the Selection Tool, select a square. Hold Shift and randomly select a number of different squares and fill it with a shade of teal color. Repeat the steps until you have a range of 5 different shades all spread out. Select all the squares and duplicate by holding Alt/Option and drag it to the right side. Now open your Symbols Palette by going to Window>Symbol. Create a new symbol by dragging all the square into it. And we are done with our texture.

2. Create a 3D sphere
Now draw a circle with the Circle Tool. Hold Shift as you drag to create a perfect circle. Next, draw a rectangle that overlaps the circle in the middle. Select both shapes and open up your Pathfinder Palette. Hold Alt/Option and click Subtract from shape area. This will create a semi-circle.

With the semi-circle still selected, go Effect>3D>Revolve. Choose Map Art and select the texture we created under Symbol. Click Scale to Fit to fill up the whole sphere. Press Ok to confirm.

Under 3D Revolve Options, select No Shading for Surface and turn the Preview option on. Spin the cube to create the angle of the disco ball you want. Click Ok to confirm. We are done with our disco ball.
3D Revolve Options

3. Add sparkles and glow

Draw a circle and fill it with Radial Gradient. Open up your Transparency Palette and set the Normal to Screen. This will create a glow on the disco ball.

We will need to add in more sparkles. Select the Star Tool, click and drag to create a basic star. Without releasing your mouse, press Arrow Up key to increase the number of points. Hold Ctrl/Command and drag to adjust the radius until you get the shape below. Next, we draw a Circle and fill up with a Radial Gradient as shown below. Align both in the center and set them to Screen under Transparency Palette. Select both and duplicate a few with different sizes to add sparkles to the disco ball.
Star Tool

4. Disco Ball Reflections
Let’s begin to do the disco reflection. Create a black solid circle. Select it and press Ctrl/Command+C to copy it. Paste it to the front by pressing Ctrl/Command+F to paste in front. Hold Shift and grab to corners to resize it smaller. Fill it with white after that. Select the Blend Tool and click the white circle once then hold Alt/Option and click the black circle. The Blend Options will pop up. Set a value of 6 steps and choose Specified Steps for it. Expand it by going to Object>Expand to break them into individual circles.

Duplicate a few of the reflections and spread them around. Select all the reflections and group them by pressing Ctrl/Command+G and go Effect>Warp>Fisheye. Play around with the options until you find something you like. Go Object>Expand Appearances to expand the warp after that.

Next we create a new rectangle above the reflections. Give it a Radial Gradient from teal to black color. With the Gradient Tool we can click and drag in the gradient to create the gradient below. Open up Transparency Palette and set it to Multiply.

Finally we will create a faint glow for the disco cube. Draw a circle and fill it with Radial Gradient. Go to the Layers Palette and move it behind the disco ball and your done!

Here’s the final disco ball. Hope this tutorial has helped you have a better understanding of using the Map Art in 3D Revolve.
Disco Ball Final
Bonus Tip: We can further make changes to the disco ball by going to Window>Appearance and double click 3D Revolve (Mapped).
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Broken Glass Effect

This great broken glass effect can be used for creating effective text effects for your websites or logos. The broken glass effect is relatively simple to create. Throughout this tutorial, I will teach you the skills needed to create this cool effect in Adobe Illustrator.

Preparing the text

The first step is to get a strong headline font – the typeface that you will see in a newspaper or comic book. I went for the font “Bebas” in this example, which can be downloaded for free here. Now type out your text, preferably in two separate text boxes, positioned beneath each other. I find it helps to decrease the tracking (the distance between characters) to create a more compact logo. (This setting can be found under the Character toolbox). I decreased the tracking to -50, shown below. This will help the broken glass effect become more prominent.

To create a bolder and more comical effect, try selecting individual characters and modifying their font size, as I did shown below.

Creating the broken glass look

Before you can start applying path effects to the text, you have to convert it to an object. You can do this by selecting the text and clicking Object > Expand. Once you do this you will no longer be able to change the text or font. Now you can start cutting up the text into pieces. Create a new layer and start drawing triangles with the pen tool where you would like the glass fractures to be, as shown below.

Now, select a triangle shape and click on Object > Path > Divide Objects Below. Do this for every triangle segment. Unfortunately, you can’t do this by selecting them all at the same time, though it won’t take long to do them one by one. When you have finished you will notice all the triangles will have disappeared and you will be left with your original text spliced up. In order to edit or move the individual selections, you will need to ungroup the selection as shown below.

Now, you can begin to start selecting the individual fragments and moving them apart. Try adjusting the size of the fragments and nudging them outwards using the cursor keys. You can also try rotating them slightly to add a more scattered look. If the shards of “glass” appear too close together or overlaps too much, you can try adding a white stroke to the outline to try separate them visually. Secondly, you can try breaking up the logo more using circular lines similar to the steps above, to create a more realistic broken glass look. You should come up with something as shown below.

Tweak around with your design until you are happy with the overall look, and don’t be afraid to experiment. Try incorporate this effect into your logos – it can look really effective if only applied to one or two words in your logo – especially if you would like to portray a “smashing” or “heavy impact” connotation to your brand.
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Desain Warna Untuk Karya Desain Grafis

Warna adalah salah satu elemen yang cukup penting dalam desain grafis. Dalam ilmu seni rupa, warna bisa mewakili emosi dari karya tersebut sehingga pesan dari karya tersebut bisa lebih mudah diterima oleh audience. Elemen warna dalam desain grafis juga memiliki fungsi tersebut untuk lebih detailnya bisa dibaca pada artikel saya berikut.
Banyak pemula desain terutama desain grafis gamang dan kesulitan dalam pemilihan warna. Maklum, seorang desainer grafis tidak akan dianggap pakar bila tidak menguasai bidang ini. Kesalahan pemilihan warna bisa berakibat fatal. Warna – warna tertentu dapat menyebabkan mata cepat lelah, jika tidak dipadukan dengan warna yang cocok. Semua orang punya selera sendiri dalam hal pemilihan kombinasi warna namun terdapat satu titk temu dalam hal ini, harmoni.
Bagi mereka yang kesulitan untuk menentukan pilihan kombinasi warna bagi websitenya, mungkin situs di bawah ini dapat memberikan inspirasi tersendiri dalam pemilihan warna.
1. Color Scheme Designer
Pada intinya tools ini memberikan kemudahan pada kita untuk membuat kombinasi warna yang pas dengan hanya menggeser mouse. Kombinasi warna yang dihasilkan lumayan bagus, tapi tentu saja harus dipilih lagi sesuai kebutuhan.
2. Color Schemer
Pada web ini kita tidak bisa membuat kombinasi warna secara interaktif, tetapi web ini menyediakan beberapa kombinasi warna menarik yang telah dibuat oleh para member. Disini kita dapat ng-search kombinasi warna yang diinginkan misal “green”, “dark”, de el el
3. Adobe Kuler
Website ini menjadi populer diantara lainnya karena memang didominasi oleh para desainer grafis dari komunitas photoshop yang bisa diakses secara langsung menggunakan beberapa software adobe. Selain populer, pilihan template yang banyak membuat website ini juga digemari. Cara memakainya juga lumayan gampang. Ketersediaan komunitas pengguna kuler ini sebanding dengan akses websitenya yang agak lemot berbasis flash apps.

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Read on to find out how to choose the best picture frame for your home decor.
Whether enclosing a precious work of art or a prized family photograph, a picture frame is a design element not to be overlooked. A carefully chosen frame adds to the aesthetics and overall harmony of a well-decorated room, while a bad frame can ruin the entire effect of the artwork.
Before shopping for frames, visit art galleries and museums in your area to see how different frames are used to enhance photographs and paintings. Browse decorating books and magazines to see framed pictures displayed in homes. Next, consider the type of picture and the style in which the room is decorated to determine what type of frame would best fit.

Above all, the frame must complement the image it holds. When searching for a frame, keep in mind the painting or photo and find a frame that will enhance it. For example, an ornate gold frame looks wonderful with a traditional oil painting, while a natural wood frame suits a painting of a lush forest, and a soft blue frame could be used to accentuate a color from the picture it encloses.
The size and shape of the frame also make an impact on the art. A small picture can have greater presence matted in a larger, elaborate frame. A frame with thick sides can also keep a small painting from going unnoticed, while a large painting is often set off to best effect by a plain, thin frame.
The decorating style and function of the room where the picture will be hung must also be considered when choosing a frame. For a child’s bedroom or playroom, frames in primary colors or those featuring cartoon characters often work best. A spare, modern room calls for sleek contemporary frames. Old-fashioned gold colored frames or beautifully carved wood ones complement a traditional home, while simple, natural wood frames look great in rooms decorated in the country style. Also consider the wall where the painting will hang. A white frame against a white wall can get lost, where a green frame will stand out. If the painting will be hung on busy wallpaper, make sure the frame contrasts with the background.

Hanging Picture Frame

The frame must fit the artwork for which it is meant. If framing an oil painting on stretcher bars, make sure the frame is deep enough to accommodate the bars. If using a metal frame on a large picture, see that it is strong and will not buckle.
If you are hanging a collection of photos or prints together, use similar frames to visually link them. The frames could be all of the same style, or perhaps different shapes and sizes, but all in the same color. These frames should be simple in order to focus attention on the pictures.
You can find photo frames in most home decorating shops, and many arts and crafts supply stores sell frames for paintings and photos. Professional framing shops naturally have a great selection of frames, and the employees, who have handled hundreds of pictures, can offer expert advice for choosing a frame. Alternatively, check out thrift shops for old pictures in great frames. The picture can always be discarded. You can also buy inexpensive wooden frames and spruce them up with paint.
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How to Decorate Your Interior Without Spending a Cent

In thecurrent world financial situation, money no longer grows on trees! Did it ever?
Money is a lot harder to come by, people are afraid of losing their jobs, worried about their financial future and less likely to be committing to making major changes to their home interiors, but that doesn’t mean we have to sit back and put up with the status quo. We can have fun and change our interiors without having to spend a cent. We just need to get a little creative! Here are some ideas on how you can make your home feel like it has had a makeover without spending a cent.
1. Shift furniture into different rooms, it’s amazing how a change of environment can make a piece of furniture look completely different.

2. Rearrange your artwork on the walls, reposition mirrors - these help change the light in your room and depending on where you place them, can make a room feel larger.
3. Clean your walls. I know this sounds too simple, but over time all the little knocks and bumps leave marks, from experience your existing walls can look like they have just been repainted if you give them a good scrub. I use sugar soap - brilliant stuff.
4. Take down your curtains and give them a vacuum (Hoover - or whatever you call it in your country) Spot clean them, and as for above, they will look much brighter and look as good as new.
5. Have a chat with your neighbor and see if they want to swap any home decor for a few months until you both tire of it again. This could be an area rug, artificial flower arrangement, decorative pots, sculpture, wall hanging, vases, coat stands, foot stools, cushions, basically anything that you are sick of looking at. Instead of storing it in the garage or throwing it away, share it and when it comes time to swap back, you may have created new feelings for it!
6. Some banks, stores and credit card companies offer rewards points or dollars. Have you thought about using those to get a few new decorative items for your home. An easy way to have the feel good factor of something new without having to part with any money.
7. Dig to the back of your linen cupboard and pull out the towels that never get used, bring them to the front and it will feel like you have new towels for your bathroom.
8. The same can be said for bed linen, sheets, duvet covers, pillow slips, cushion covers and bedspreads. We often have more than one but forget about them stuffed down the back of the cupboard, clean out the cupboards and see what you can drag out, mix and match them in your different rooms and you have a new look! Check for throw rugs and cushions that may have been stored away, drag them out give them a dust and find them a new home and store your existing ones back in the cupboard!
9. Look in the garage for things that have been put away. Pack up things in the house that you have had enough of looking at, and swap them over. These could be floor standing lamps, side table lamps, collections of glass figurines, children’s crafts that you just couldn’t part with, and could provide a talking point now they have grown up, a stack of vintage suitcases that you didn’t know what to do with, place a linen cover on top and use them as a side table, similar thing with old hat boxes.
10. Paint the outdoor pots a different color, let’s face it we all have paint lying around in our garage, take it out and give the outside a revamp, perhaps paint the front door a new color, or the letterbox.
11. Make a feature wall from spare wallpaper, if it’s textured you could always paint it to add color, or just paint a wall and make it a feature.
Well those are just a few ideas to get you started. You can take on the challenge and give your home a quick makeover by using some of these ideas, I bet you will start to think of more as you get started. If you do, add them to the comments at the bottom of this post and share them with us.
Have fun!
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Rumah Art Deco dan Modern Minimalis

Agar terlihat serasi dan enak dipandang, menata interior rumah sebaiknya diselaraskan dengan fasad bangunannya. Jika tampak mukanya memakai art deco, penataan interiornya juga tidak lari dari gaya itu. Demikian pula untuk model rumah minimalis, interiornya pun didesain dengan gaya yang senada. Meskipun dalam penerapannya, tidak bulat-bulat memakai kedua gaya itu.

Front View - Desain Rumah Modern Art Deco

Axonometric View - Desain Rumah Minimalis Modern

Untuk interior ruang tamu, penerapan gaya art deco yang banyak memakai ornamen bulat, kotak-kotak, atau bentuk geometris lainnya, cukup dijadikan aksen saja. Misalnya, hanya dipakai untuk lemari TV atau lemari display lainnya.

Sedangkan perabot lainnya, seperti meja dan kursi, dipilih model yang simpel dan finishingnya memakai warna cocoa brown (cokelat gelap). Bila perlu, diberi aksen warna hitam agar terlihat lebih mewah.

Sementara, jika memakai konsep minimalis, karena semuanya dibuat serba minimal, supaya ruang tidak terkesan kosong perlu diberikan sedikit aksen. Misalnya, ada satu meja atau kursi yang desainnya tradisional.

Material aksen lainnya bisa juga dipakai, seperti benda-benda hasil kerajinan seperti patung (statue), sculpture, dan aksesoris lain yang diperoleh ketika berkunjung ke daerah atau hasil melancong ke luar negeri.

Realis-Contemporer Statue belongs to Architectaria

Ruang keluarga, untuk rumah model art deco atau minimalis, akan lebih cocok memakai permainan warna cokelat dan serat-serat kayu.

Selain itu, orang juga banyak yang menyukai kayu nyantoh, karena seratnya lurus-lurus, atau kayu mahoni yang warnanya agak kemerah-merahan. Sementara model-model furniturenya juga dipilih yang simpel, tidak memakai ukir-ukiran maupun profil.

Sementara di bagian kamar tidur, dinding kamar tidur juga disarankan memakai warna-warna cerah minimalis. Kalaupun diberi aksen, biasanya untuk dinding di belakang headboard ranjang. Sementara bila memakai wallpaper, dipilih corak daun-daunan, anyam-anyaman bambu, dan sebagainya.

Model tempat tidurnya juga dibuat sederhana, mirip furniture Jepang. Dibuat pendek dengan dipan lurus memakai kaki. Untuk itu, agar kelihatan mewah, head-board ranjangnya perlu dilapisi dengan bahan yang terbuat dari kulit atau kayu bergelombang.

Finishing kayunya memakai warna gelap cocoa brown atau maple. Bisa juga bahan kulit tersebut dianyam agar mengesankan tradisional. Bahan kulit juga bagus dipakai untuk pelapis kursi yang ditaruh di kamar.

Sedangkan meja dan kursi di ruang makan, juga dipilih yang modelnya simpel. Top table-nya bisa memakai kayu, dapat pula memakai kaca. Dinding ruang makannya diberi ornamen, misalnya batu paras Yogyakarta, dan kaca cermin kotak-kotak (kaca patri).

Kemudian untuk penerangannya memakai lampu gantung berbentuk geometris, bulat, kotak, atau prisma.

Sementara untuk kursi makannya, kebanyakan dengan high backing dan bahan yang dipakai biasanya ‘chenille’ warna coklat, krem atau hitam kulit (ram).
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